domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Day of dead altars

Day of the Dead altars are built during Dia de los Muertos to honor the lives of those who have passed. They are often quite beautiful creations, constructed with love and care. Creating these altars is one of the most important traditions during Day of the Dead in Mexico.

Traditionally, every family in Mexico builds an altar on the days leading up to November 1. Some people even start weeks in advance and hire professionals to build elaborate altars. Other altars are more modest, but are still built with sincere, loving intentions.

On top of the altar, offerings are laid out for the dead  known as ofrenda in Spanish. These are items that the spirits will enjoy when they come back to earth to visit their living families and friends. People make an effort to lay out the best ofrenda they can afford, consisting of things the dead person enjoyed while s/he was alive.  

A Day of the Dead altar is usually arranged on a table top that is used exclusively for the altar, or it is built from stacks of crates. Altars have at least two tiers, sometimes more. The table or crates are draped with cloth (or sometimes a paper or plastic covering). An arch made of marigolds is often erected over top of the altar.

Whether simple or sophisticated, Day of the Dead altars and ofrenda all contain certain basic elements in common. Here are the ofrendas that you will typically see on a Dia de los Muertos altar:

Candles - Candles are lit to welcome the spirits back to their altars.

Marigolds - These yellow-orange flowers, also called cempasúchitl, symbolize death. Their strong      fragrance also help lead the dead back to their altars. Marigold petals may also be sprinkled on the floor in front of the altar, or even sprinkled along a path from the altar to the front door, so that the spirit may find her way inside.

Incense - Most commonly, copal incense, which is the dried aromatic resin from a tree native to Mexico. The scent is also said to guide the spirits back to their altars

Salt - represents the continuance of life.

Photo of the deceased - A framed photo of the dead person to whom the altar is dedicated, usually positioned in a prime spot on the altar.

Pan de muerto - Also known as "bread of the dead", pan de muerto is a symbol of the departed.

Sugar skulls - As symbols of death and the afterlife, sugar skulls are not only given as gifts to the living during Day of the Dead, they are also placed as offerings on the altar.

Fresh fruit - whatever is in season  oranges, bananas, etc.

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Learning strategies.

Hi guys I found this page , and I loved it. If you have some questions about English grammar, I'm pretty sure this is goint to HELP you so much.There are a lots of videos you could watch with a completely and clear explanation.

Check it (;

My WONDERFUL weekend

Hugo is my cousin, he is the older one of all my cousins, he is 29 years old and he lives in Tlaxcala. Currently he works in different hospitals as a Doctor. He is an amazing person.

Fabiola is my cousin’s wife, she lives in Zacatelco, and she is 30 years old. Both are doctors, and first met at work and they fell in love.

The Hen and Stag Parties

Fabiola's hen do was a surprise organized by her sister. She was told where she would be, and on the day her friends blindfolded her and she was driven to the secret location where everyone was waiting.
Fabiola also had a 'mini hen do' with her mum and bridesmaids where they spent time dancing and eating.

Hugo’s stag was a surprise organized by our family a week out before the wedding he was told it will be a family dinner with his parents and siblings. He went to his parents’ house and when Hugo arrived all of us (cousins, aunts, uncles) were there waiting for him. Everyone on the stag do celebrated with different types of food made by all my aunts, we danced and we sang. Then all men in the meeting went to a special place to give advances to Hugo.

The Wedding Theme, Styling and Details

The wedding theme was beige and white colors with white and pink roses. Fabiola has always loved this kind of clear colors, The idea suddenly came to her that she could combine the two for this special and unforgettable day.

Most of the wedding details contained white color with pink and white flowers.

All the stationery were brown and beige.

There were different kind of favours such as small white boxes and little baskets they were decorated with little roses. The table runners were white which contrast the bright table roses.

There was also a wedding sweet table with different kind of desserts such as cupcakes, muffins, bread, cookies, mini pies and stuff like that.


The Wedding Cake

Fabiola and Hugo chose a three tier cake, with two layers of chocolate cake . The cake was covered in butter cream and was a simple, rustic design, decorated with peonies and roses to match the wedding flowers

The Bride and Grooms Outfits

Fabiola's wore a classic a-line wedding dress giving it a princess look. It was the first one she tried actually she tried on about 10 others and she kept thinking about the first dress.

Hugo wore a black morning suit, with a waistcoat and cravat gray which matched the colour of the bride dress.

The Wedding Flowers

Fabiola and Hugo wanted a mix of colour, shape and size in the bouquets. They tried to pull together some amazing bouquets and arrangements, using a mix of purples, pinks, yellows and whites.

The Wedding Ceremony and Reception

The wedding ceremony took place at "The convent of San Francisco", Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, surrounded in beautiful landscaped historical places.
Many guests attended the ceremony.
After the ceremony the guests enjoyed canapés on the reception as Fabiola and Hugo had photos out of the cathedral.
The reception was in Santana Chiahutempan a town near to Tlaxcala squared in a beautiful place called “Madeiras”

The First Dance

Fabiola and Hugo first dance was to 'Baby I'm Yours' by Arctic Monkeys. They chose this song because they love the words, the band are from Yorkshire, and they like that it is an old love song with a modern twist.

"I haven't been to many weddings before but no one like this.This was a real Wedding for inspiration."

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

La memoria, como cualquier otra habilidad del ser humano, se puede desarrollar utilizando diversas técnicas que, conforme se perfeccionan, las posibilidades adquiridas pueden ser enormes y útiles en la vida diaria.

La memoria, como cualquier otra habilidad del ser humano, se puede desarrollar utilizando diversas técnicas que, conforme se perfeccionan, las posibilidades adquiridas pueden ser enormes y útiles en la vida diaria.

El Memory Workshop realizado en el Papalote Museo del Niño, el tres veces Campeón de Memoria en Estados Unidos, Nelson Dellis señaló que para tener buena memoria "sólo necesitan conocer buenas técnicas"
Planteó que estas técnicas funcionen se necesitan practicar cuatro aspectos básicos: ejercitar la mente, comer bien, ser social y ejercitar el cuerpo.
Detalló que a él le funciona asociar información abstracta con imágenes coloridas porque es mucho más fácil recordar cuando se le añade significado a las cosas, ya que el cerebro no memoriza bien cuando la información no tiene sentido.
Para esto se puede utilizar cualquier imagen añadió, y en caso de que utilicemos, por ejemplo, la de una pizza, entre más detalles se le agreguen, como los ingredientes, el olor, incluso la temperatura y el sabor, será mejor.
Si en el proceso se olvida algo es porque no se le prestó suficiente atención o porque no se añadieron las imágenes correctas a la asociación.
Guardar y ubicar
Para esto utiliza lo que denomina el "método del viaje", en donde lo primero es recordar un espacio que conozcamos bien como la propia casa o lugares donde se ha estado mucho tiempo.
Las imágenes se "colocan" en puntos conocidos, a los que llama "puntos ancla", como pueden ser, en caso de haber pensado en el interior de una casa: la puerta de entrada, el sillón de la sala, la estufa de la cocina, la cama y así sucesivamente.
De esta manera, al iniciar el "viaje por la casa" en el orden que acomodamos las cosas, las imágenes se van representando en la mente y por consiguiente la información que les asociamos.
Por su parte, el médico Adolfo Leyva Rendón, puntualizó que en todo el proceso de memorización se activan una serie de circuitos neuronales muy intrincados en donde se activan diversas partes del sistema nervioso.

Estudios sugieren que el sueño hace más creativo e inteligente al ser humano.

A continuación aportamos más pruebas de que el sueño profundo, incluso al dormir la siesta, puede aumentar la inteligencia.

El acto de soñar podría mejorar la memoria, estimular la creatividad y mejorar la planificación futura, a tenor del resultado de nuevas investigaciones realizadas a tal efecto.
En un estudio reciente, los sujetos que tomaron siestas habituales con sueño MOR (fase en la que los sueños son más intensos) obtuvieron mejores resultados en problemas sintácticos basados en la creatividad. Es decir, el sueño profundo o con MOR (movimientos oculares rápidos), ayudó a las personas a combinar sus ideas de forma novedosa, según expone la psiquiatra responsable del estudio, Sara Mednick.
Parte de la ronda matutina del experimento consistió en una prueba de analogía de palabras similar a la de los exámenes SAT. Por ejemplo, si tomamos las palabras «patatas: salado - caramelos: » la respuesta sería «dulce».
Al mediodía, tras la primera ronda, los sujetos tomaron un descanso supervisado de 90 minutos de duración.
Algunos participantes echaron siestas que alcanzaron la fase de sueño MOR, que habitualmente comienza una hora después de haberse dormido la persona.
Otro grupo tomó siestas sin llegar a la fase MOR. Un tercer grupo descansó tranquilamente pero sin llegar a dormirse.

Hubo una segunda ronda de pruebas durante la tarde. En las pruebas tipo de la segunda ronda, se solicitó a los participantes que adivinaran una única palabra asociada con otras tres aparentemente inconexas. Por ejemplo, para las palabras «perita», «hogar» y «sueños» la respuesta sería «dulce». Las respuestas correctas de muchas preguntas de la segunda ronda coincidían con las de las preguntas analógicas de la primera.
En las preguntas de la segunda ronda cuyas respuestas coincidían con las de la primera, como por ejemplo «dulce» y «dulce», los que tomaron siestas con sueño MOR mejoraron su rendimiento en un 40 por ciento. Los que tomaron siestas sin llegar a la fase de sueño MOR y los que no durmieron, no mostraron mejores resultados en estas pruebas, añade Mednick, de la Universidad de California, San Diego, que presentó sus resultados el viernes en la convención anual de la Asociación Americana de Psicología celebrada en San Diego.
Esto significa que el sueño MOR mejoró la capacidad de los participantes para detectar vínculos conceptuales de términos aparentemente inconexos: las respuestas de los problemas analógicos de la primera ronda y las tres palabras asociativas de la segunda ronda.
Mednick resaltó que todos los grupos recordaron las respuestas matutinas igual de bien, lo que demuestra que la segunda ronda no sólo sirvió para comprobar la capacidad de memorización de los que tomaron la siesta MOR. En resumen, el sueño MOR «desempeña un papel importante que permite a las personas desacoplar la memoria de un término concreto para poder utilizarlo en otros contextos», añadió la doctora.
¿Ayuda el sueño a convertir los recuerdos en predicciones?

La memoria mejorada y estimulada por el sueño profundo puede aportar incluso un beneficio adicional: ayudar a imaginar (y a planificar mejor) el futuro.
El psiquiatra de Harvard Daniel Schacter, cuyas investigaciones se han llevado a cabo de forma separada de las de Mednick, comentó a National Geographic News: «Al imaginar eventos futuros, la persona recombina aspectos de experiencias que realmente han tenido lugar».

Talking about a F I L M

What a film is about?

This is my favorite film of all time. I was 10 when i first watched this film and what can I say?... I LOVED IT.  A great story, spectacular visuals, outstanding animation, and Johnny Deep has an amazing voice acting skill. Tim Burton is amazing when it comes to stop motion.                                                                                                                                                            Corpse Bride is the tale of a boy named Victor and a girl named Victoria, who are in an arranged marriage organized by their respective sets of parents (both of whom are only marrying off their children in the hopes of inheriting wealth and other fortune from the other family). Victor and Victoria are at first not happy about their set marriage, but they soon start warming up to each other through little sweet moments such as exchanging flowers, playing the piano together and stuff like that. During the wedding rehearsal, Victor screws up his vows so many times that the pastor angrily sends him out of the chapel to go practice. Victor practices his vows in the forest, and everything goes smoothly as he's practicing...up until he slips Victoria's ring on a fingerlike "branch" in the ground that happens to be the finger of dead Emily, aka the Corpse Bride! By doing this (saying vows and giving ring), Emily is now married to Victor, and she awakens (through a slow, creepy, zombielike scene where she claws her way out of the ground). She chases Victor, kisses him, and he faints. When Victor wakes up, he finds himself in the Underworld with a bunch of skeletons and corpses that live there, and the adventure just escalates from there... The Corpse Bride is a wonderful film for Halloween.

Guess what it is. . .

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Talk about you achievements.

My Achievements

My achievements may be described in a simple philosophy which belies my vision of life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The present is a vantage point, allowing me to see the events I have done that has led up to the present and from that experience, weave a path forward into a brighter future. All the courses and studies in English and others subjects I have undergone prior to this time have served to prepare me for the present and give myself the opportunity to be a better person.
However, the quality of my future is dependent on the quality of the education I receive to prepare for it. I can only expect to be prosperous in university as in life if I receive a sound, solid foundation from which to rise and build upon. Therefore, I want to attend the School of laws aftr finish university. My college achievement is directly proportional to the quality of education that I receive from high school--and the more enriched and nourishing it is, the better I will be able to learn, achieve, and offer something back to the students.

The education I’m receiving at University  will not only augment what I have already learned, it will expand my knowledge and open new fields of interest and exploration to me, fields that I will be able to advance in and, one day, achieve the ultimate challenge--becoming able to return something to mankind.  At university, I can work to my full potential and beyond.

What's your idea of having fun?

Customs F O O D

Greetings & Costums

Documentary about POP Music

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Hi guys, I'm starting listening this public radio ONLINE for my learning strategies of this week and believe me or not, it's really interesting

Hi guys, I'm starting listening this public radio ONLINE for my learning strategies of this week and believe me or not, it's really interesting to listen what are they saying, maybe you understand or not, but if you are constantly you will increase as much as you want. Right NOW they are talking about Indian people, but they actually talk about many cultural topics and stuff like that.

Really hope this webpage help you to improve your pronunciation.


Come to visit Tlaxcala.

Tlaxcala is a small state located in East-Central Mexico. It has an amazing culture, hospitality and so many things more. You will absolutely fall in love with this beautiful state.

The people are so friendly and welcoming, you will love that!. You will alsolo to be able to walk to the stores and to get everything you need easily. Tlaxcala is a safe place so you can basically walk everywhere! And don't get me started on the food! It's the best.

For example "tlacoyos", they are made of corn dough and beans. there are serve with sauce, onion and cheese. 

Another is the typical Tlaxcalans soup, it is delicious. It is made of beans, chipotle pepper, and it is served with fried tortillas, chicharron, cheese, avocado and fried chipotle pepper.

Tlaxcala has a lot of  historical places. The creation of the mural inside the State Government Palace  is one of the most important cultural and tourist attractions bringing visitors from Mexico and abroad. The mural was painted by Desiderio Hernandez Xochitiotzin.

The mural's name is “The history of Tlaxcala and its contribution to Mexican identity”. It is very important to say that the project  was promoted to the state by poet Miguel N. Lira.

The mural was begun in 1957. The work continuing in stages over four decades. It is a big mural it covers over 500 m2,  is the last grand-scale mural to be created as part of the Mexican muralist movement. The work was never fully completed before the death of Desiderio H. X. in 2007.

Cacaxtla is the name of a Late Classic to Epiclassic (AD 600-900) . At its height, Cacaxtla had a population of about 10,000 Olmeca-Xicalanca people. The site is known for beautiful Maya art-influenced murals, and architectural features such as a great platform mound, temples, a granary, and at least nine defensive moats.

Cacaxtla is very important because is a perfect example of artistic and cultural eclecticist collection. Within these beautiful murals we can see how glyphs are part of the pictorial story-telling experience.

 Southeast of the main square of Tlaxcala, a walkway lined of trees, you reach the former convent of San Francisco built between 1537 and 1540.The former convent is home to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, but austere facade of great historical and artistic value that reminds , the convent-fortress of the European Middle Ages.  

The roof of the temple, something unusual in Mexico, is gabled and has no domes; consists of a single nave and tower is separate from the church. On the inside of the roof boasts a coffered ceiling, Mudejar, billed as the largest in Mexico, with an incalculable artistic value. The main altar, Baroque, dating from the seventeenth century and contains important paintings, sculptures and carved wooden columns, including an oil painting depicting the baptism of a Tlaxcalans nobleman , with Hernan Cortes and Malintzi as godparents. The baptismal font is located in the newly restored chapel of the Third Order.  

The convent of San Francisco is one of the most remarkable monuments of the viceroyalty. It has been rescued and preserved because of the Tlaxcalan people, proud of its past, both indigenous and colonial.  

The stars of Carnival are the dancers, or huehues, who form groups of 20 to 40 people. Each group is named according to the region where they are from, the costumes they wear, and particular dances they perform. Each dance tells a traditional story, and decorative masks are worn by the huehues to represent various characters and scenes.

Foreing People can’t stop watching  the cultural traditions.

These celebrations are just a few of the many traditional festivals held throughout the year in Tlaxcala. 

If you’re interested in witnessing some of the world’s most incredible traditions and festivals, come to Tlaxcala Mexico.